Whose Doctor Who

Whose Doctor Who was a 60-minute television documentary, which was first transmitted on Sunday, 3 April 1977, on BBC 2.
The programme was the first in-depth documentary chronicling the long-running BBC TV series Doctor Who, being first broadcast the day after the final episode of the show's fourteenth season was transmitted on BBC1. Introduced by Melvyn Bragg, the programme features many clips from episodes of the show transmitted to date, along with interviews of cast and fans, including families, children, students, teachers, psychologists and educationalists. Tom Baker and outgoing producer Philip Hinchcliffe both contributed interviews, while behind-the-scenes footage of the recording of The Talons of Weng-Chiang from rehearsals and pre-production planning, were included.
The show was never repeated on the BBC, but has been included on both the original and 'special edition' DVD releases of The Talons of Weng-Chiang.
The programme was produced and directed by Tony Cash, with Bill Morton as Executive Producer.
Clips featured in the documentary came from the following Doctor Who serials :
The Zarbi, The Seeds of Death, Doctor Who and the Silurians*, Genesis of the Daleks, An Unearthly Child, The Three Doctors, Robot, Terror of the Zygons, The Daleks, The Mind Robber, Planet of the Spiders, The Time Warrior, The Claws of Axos*, The Invasion, The Talons of Weng-Chiang, Spearhead from Space, Terror of the Autons*, The Hand of Fear, The Seeds of Doom, Pyramids of Mars, The Monster of Peladon, The Krotons, The Dimensions of Time, The Brain of Morbius, The Time Monster*, The Dæmons, The Waking Ally, Planet of the Daleks, The Face of Evil, and Four Hundred Dawns.
'*'Clips included from these episodes were shown from monochrome 16mm film copies, the original colour videotapes had been wiped. See also Doctor Who missing episodes.