Wherehouse Entertainment

Wherehouse Entertainment, also known as Wherehouse Music and The Wherehouse, was an American retail music franchise.


In 1983, Wherehouse Entertainment Inc, renamed from Integrity Entertainment Corp, went public with a public offering of 750,000 shares under the symbol WEI. At this time, the company had 126 stores, primarily in California. In 1984, the company began renting movies, or "video software" in 77 of its 126 stores, with a roll out into further stores expected. Later that year, a copy of was sold by a Wherehouse Entertainment at Sunset & Western in Los Angeles to Newt Deiter, who would go on to win the $100,000 cash prize.
In August 1998, Wherehouse purchased Blockbuster Music from Viacom. The company filed for bankruptcy in 2002.