Wheeler-Thanhauser Orchid Collection and Species Bank

The Wheeler-Thanhauser Orchid Collection and Species Bank is located within Christy Woods, an 17-acre property located on the southwest corner of the Ball State University campus in Muncie, Indiana, United States. Donated to in 1971, the orchid collection is the largest college maintained orchid species collection in the United States.


In 2014, the opened after a $1.35 million new construction to house the Wheeler-Thanhauser Orchid Collection. Over 300 volunteers helped with the renovations and move plants. The renovations were funded by Joe Rinard. The greenhouse is named after Rinard and his wife, Alice.

Greenhouse and Education

The greenhouse has the orchid collection, tropical displays, sculptures and more. It is 3,600 square feet in size. The greenhouse holds over 2,000 species of orchids and many other tropical plants. It is open the public, and is free of charge.