Western Maryland Delegation

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The Western Maryland Delegation refers to the members of the Maryland House of Delegates who reside in or represent legislative districts that include parts of Garrett, Allegany, Washington, Frederick or Carroll counties in the state of Maryland, United States of America. Three delegates are elected from each district, though some districts are divided into sub-districts.

Current Members of the Western Maryland Delegation

DistrictCounties RepresentedDelegatePartyFirst ElectedCommittee
01.11AAllegany, GarrettBeitzel, Wendell R. Wendell R. BeitzelRepublican2006Appropriations
01.21BAlleganyBuckel, Jason C.Jason BuckelRepublican2014Ways & Means
01.31CAllegany, WashingtonMcKay, MikeMike McKayRepublican2014Appropriations
02.12AWashingtonWivell, William J.William WivellRepublican2008Environment & Transportation
02.22AWashingtonParrott, NeilNeil ParrottRepublican2010Environment & Transportation
02.32BWashingtonCorderman, Paul D.Paul D. CordermanRepublican2017Appropriations
03.13AFrederickKrimm, Carol L. Carol L. KrimmDemocratic2014Appropriations
03.13AFrederickYoung, Karen LewisKaren Lewis YoungDemocratic2014Health & Government Operations
04.13BFrederickKen KerrDemocratic2018Health & Government Operations
03.24Carroll, FrederickDan CoxRepublican2018Judiciary
04.14Carroll, FrederickCiliberti, Barrie Barrie CilibertiRepublican2015, prior service 1995-1999Environment & Transportation
04.24Carroll, FrederickJesse PippyRepublican2018Judiciary
05.15CarrollShoemaker, Haven Haven ShoemakerRepublican2014Ways & Means
05.15CarrollRose, April. April RoseRepublican2015Ways & Means
09.25CarrollKrebs, Susan W. Susan W. KrebsRepublican2002Health & Government Operations