Western Carpathian Offensive

The Western Carpathian Offensive was a successful offensive by the Red Army during World War II, that lasted from January 12 to February 18, 1945.

Troop Strengths

The 4th Ukrainian Front under Ivan Petrov and the 2nd Ukrainian Front under Rodion Malinovsky, were to push back the German troops gathered in the Western Carpathians.

The Axis forces were composed of the 1st Panzer Army, the 8th Army, and parts of the 17th Army and the 1st Hungarian Army. The German defensive lines were based not only on the mountainous terrain but also on several lakes and rivers.

The offensive

The offensive began on the same day as the much larger Vistula–Oder Offensive, while the East Prussian Offensive was opened a day later.

Offensive of the 4th Ukrainian Front

On January 12, at 8:15 a.m., the 38th Army of the 4th Ukrainian Front attacked after heavy artillery preparation with two Rifle Corps. Behind its left flank, the 52nd Rifle Corps was held in reserve for a follow-up attack. On 15 January, the breakthrough through the German XI SS Panzer Corps was achieved and could be pursued up to 18 km in the next few days. On January 16, Jasło was captured by the 70th Guards and 140th Rifle Division of the 101st Rifle Corps.
On 18 January, to the south, the 1st Guards Army opened its offensive against the German XI Army Corps over the Ondava river. The 4th Ukrainian Front used about 215 tanks and self-propelled guns, 134 of them with the 38th Army and only 42 tanks in the 1st Guard Army because of the mountainous terrain.
The front of the German 253rd Infantry Division, deployed in the area 25 km south of Jasło, from Polany to south of Stropkov, was torn apart by the Soviet 11th and 107th Rifle Corps. The German troops were pushed back up to 22 km and the next day Prešov was captured by Soviet troops.
Further to the south, the Soviet 18th Army attacked the positions of the German XXXXIX Mountain Corps, in the section of the Hungarian V. Corps, and the city of Košice was taken.

Offensive of the 2nd Ukrainian Front

The left wing of the 2nd Ukrainian Front simultaneously launched its offensive from northern Hungary and invaded the Slovak Ore Mountains. The Soviet 40th Army pushed the Hungarian 1st Army back through the Rosenau cauldron to Rožňava, crossed the river Sajó and captured the city of Brezno. To the left of it, the Soviet 27th Army accompanied the advance on Zvolen.

Final Phase

By the end of January, the troops of the 4th Ukrainian Front reached the German defensive lines on the river Soła east of the line Żywiec - Jablonka - Liptovský Hrádok - Liptovský Mikuláš. The advance of the 4th Ukrainian Front was stopped west of Strumień, Żywiec and Jablonka, east of Liptovský Hrádok and Liptovský Mikuláš. The heavily defended town of Bielsko-Biała was captured by the 1st Guards Army and the 38th Army. The 2nd Ukrainian Front continued the fighting until mid-March and reached the Hron River.

Losses and Consequences

The Red Army crushed 17 divisions and 1 brigade of the Axis powers, making 137,000 prisoners, according to its own not always verifiable sources. In addition, it destroyed or captured 2,300 guns, 320 tanks and 65 aircraft, also according to its own data. Large parts of Slovakia and the southern areas of Poland were liberated from the German occupiers. The Red Army puts its own casualties at 78,988. The Romanian 1st and 4th army lost 12,000 soldiers and the 1st Czechoslovak Corps 970 men. In addition, 359 tanks, 753 guns and 94 aircraft are said to have been lost on the Soviet side. The German Empire lost an important industrial area with the Slovak Ore Mountains.