Wen Wu temple

A Wen Wu temple or Wenwu temple is a temple in China venerating both the patron gods of civil and martial affairs in the same temple complex. In southern China the civil god or Wéndì, is Wenchang and in the north it is Confucius, in both the north and the south the martial god or Wǔdì is Guan Yu. Although temples to either the civil or martial deities alone are widespread, it is comparatively rare to have temples venerating both. Wen Wu temples were patronised by those in the Ming and Qing dynasties seeking success in the Imperial examinations, which were divided into civil and military examinations, and by those seeking advancement in those professions which can be interpreted as falling under the aegis of either god; so for example to the present day civil servants will make offerings to the civil god and policemen to the martial god.

Examples of Wen Wu temples

Mainland China

The Cantonese transliteration of is Man Mo Miu. There are temples in
In Taiwan there are Wen Wu temples in