
Weird-Oh's is a 1999-2000 American/Canadian computer animated series produced by DHX Media. The series originally aired on Fox Family in the United States and YTV in Canada. It starred a cast of deformed characters and their misadventures in Weirdsville, a place just off Route 66. The show was based on a popular toy line, and featured two teenagers, Portia and Eddie, living in a world populated with talking cars. Only 13 episodes of the series were ever produced.
The concept and characters were based on the Weird-Ohs series of polystyrene model kits by the Hawk Company. The characters in the model kits were popular in the early 1960s as satire on America's car culture.


The series was released in 2000 as a set of three videotapes titled "Lights, Camera, Traction", "Wheel Trouble", and "Traffic Jam". YTV released the entire series on DVD in 2005. These items were never published in large quantities and remain rare.