Weeds of National Significance

Weeds of National Significance is a list of the most problematic plant species in Australia as determined by the federal government. Initially a list of 20 taxa were listed and given a rank based on invasiveness, impacts, potential for spread, and socioeconomic and environmental values. An expanded list of 32 taxa was released in April 2012.

List of taxa

Note: The list of individual taxa is greater than the 32 WoNS.
Common nameScientific name
African boxthornLycium ferocissimum
Alligator weedAlternanthera philoxeroides
Asparagus fernAsparagus aethiopicus
Asparagus fernAsparagus scandens
Athel pineTamarix aphylla
Bitou bush, boneseedChrysanthemoides monilifera subsp. monilifera and rotundata
BlackberryRubus fruticosus agg.
Bridal creeperAsparagus asparagoides
Bridal veil creeperAsparagus declinatus
BroomCytisus scoparius
CabombaCabomba caroliniana
Cats claw vineDolichandra unguis-cati
Chilean needle grassNassella neesiana
Climbing asparagusAsparagus africanus
Climbing asparagus fernAsparagus plumosus
Cotton-leaved physic-nutJatropha gossypifolia
Delta arrowheadSagittaria platyphylla
FireweedSenecio madagascariensis
Flax-leaved broomGenista linifolia
Gamba grassAndropogon gayanus
GorseUlex europaeus
HymenachneHymenachne amplexicaulis
LantanaLantana camara
MesquiteProsopis spp.
Maderia vineAnredera cordifolia
MimosaMimosa pigra
Montpellier broomGenista monspessulana
ParkinsoniaParkinsonia aculeata
Parthenium weedParthenium hysterophorus
Pond appleAnnona glabra
Prickly acaciaVachellia nilotica ssp. indica
Prickly pearAustrocylindropuntia spp.
Prickly pearCylindropuntia spp.
Prickly pearOpuntia spp.
Rubber vineCryptostegia grandiflora
SalviniaSalvinia molesta
Serrated tussockNassella trichotoma
Silver nightshadeSolanum elaeagnifolium
Water hyacinthEichhornia crassipes
Willows except weeping willows, pussy willow and sterile pussy willowSalix spp. except S. babylonica, S. X calodendron and S. X reichardtiji