Wayland & Fennell

Wayland & Fennell was an architectural firm in Idaho. Many of their works are listed on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places.
Charles W. Wayland worked as a drafter in the office of Boise architect William S. Campbell for two years, 1900-1902, then became a partner when the firm was reorganized as Campbell & Wayland. The partnership was dissolved in 1904 when Wayland partnered with Fennell.
James A. Fennell worked as a drafter in the office of San Francisco architect Alexander F. Oakey, then in the office of Butte, Montana, architect J.W. White. Fennell later formed Fennell & Cove in partnership with George B. Cove, headquartered in Butte. In 1904 Fennell relocated to Boise and formed the partnership Wayland and Fennell.
Works include: