Walt Disney's Funny Factory

Walt Disney's Funny Factory is a series of DVDs by Walt Disney Home Entertainment. Very similar to the Walt Disney's Classic Cartoon Favorites line, each release would feature around one-hour of Disney animated short films, grouped by a starring character, or set of characters. As opposed to the chronological nature of the Walt Disney Treasures line, each release would feature various cartoons in no particular order. The series featured two waves of releases, on January 17, 2006 and November 21, 2006.


Wave One

The first wave of two releases came on January 17, 2006.

Volume 1: With Mickey

All of the shorts on here feature Mickey Mouse.
  1. Mickey and the Seal
  2. Mr. Mouse Takes a Trip
  3. Moose Hunters
  4. Mickey's Parrot
  5. The Pointer
  6. Magician Mickey
  7. Tugboat Mickey
  8. R'coon Dawg

    Volume 2: With Donald

All of the shorts on here feature Donald Duck.
  1. Canvas Back Duck
  2. Donald's Cousin Gus
  3. Daddy Duck
  4. Window Cleaners
  5. Self Control
  6. Contrary Condor
  7. Donald's Golf Game

    Wave Two

The second wave of two releases came on November 21, 2006.

Volume 3: With Goofy

All of the shorts on here feature Goofy.
  1. Goofy and Wilbur
  2. Clock Cleaners
  3. Goofy's Glider
  4. Man's Best Friend
  5. Father's Week End
  6. Father's Lion
  7. Aquamania

    Volume 4: With Huey, Dewey & Louie

All of the shorts on here feature Huey, Dewey, and Louie.
  1. Donald's Nephews
  2. Straight Shooters
  3. Sea Scouts
  4. Donald's Off Day
  5. Lion Around
  6. Soup's On
  7. Don's Fountain of Youth
  8. Lucky Number