Volker Roemheld

Volker Roemheld was a German agricultural scientist, plant physiologist and soil biologist at Hohenheim University.


After attending school Volker Rhoemheld studied chemical engineering at the Ohm Polytechnic in Nuremberg, followed by an appointment in the pharmaceutical firm Dr. R. Pfleger Chemie in Bamberg. He then absolved an apprenticeship in gardening in Kassel and went on to study horticulture at the Technical University of Berlin. He won a stipendium from the German National Academy and visited Leeds University to work in the Institute of Botany under Prof. H.W. Woolhouse on the theme: Iron uptake by various chlorosis-resistant ecotypes. After his return in 1972 he became a Scientific Assistant at the Institute for Plant Nutrition at the Technical University of Berlin, continued his research and obtained a Dr. sc. agr. degree in 1979 with a dissertation: Mechanisms of Uptake and Storage of Iron Chelates by higher plants. In 1979 he started as Scientific Assistant at the Institute for Plant Nutrition at University of Hohenheim. In 1988 he qualified as Lecturer in Plant Nutrition and in 1992 became Professor. From 1996 he was also Visiting Professor at China Agricultural University, Beijing, China. He retired in 2006.

Research focus

Function, uptake and fertilization of micronutrients, genotypical differences in nutrient preference ; significance of Bioeffectors and rhizospere processes on nutrient preference and plant health; plant nutrition in ecological agriculture; plant nutrition in the tropics and sub-tropics; ecological aspects of fertilization ; phytoremediation; recycling of agricultural and industrial waste products; scientific cooperations with England, Hungary, Israel, USA, Canada, Japan, China, Brasil, Thailand and New Zealand.


Roemheld was involved in ca. 300 publications, mostly in international scientific journals.

Membership and honorary positions

Regular referee for the following journals: