Vlastimir Peričić

Vlastimir Peričić was a Serbian composer and one of the most important theoreticians of Serbian music, well-known musicologist and the author of extremely valuable university textbooks, as well as a corresponding member of the Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences.


Vlastimir Peričić was the son of Juraj and Jelica Peričić, maiden name Nikolajević.
Attended elementary school in Zemun from 1934 to 1938, grammar school in Zemun from 1938 to 1941 and in Belgrade from 1941 to 1946. Enrolled high school of music at the Belgrade Academy in 1941, the Music Academy in 1945, graduated from the Department of Composition at the Music Academy of Belgrade in 1951.
In the period from 1945 to 1947 worked as an intern in the Natural History Museum in Belgrade, from 1948 to 1951 as a part-time lecturer of solfeggio and basic music theory at the Music School Josif Marinković in Belgrade, from 1951 to 1955 as a professor of theoretical subjects in the Secondary School of Music at the Academy of Music.
Vlastimir Peričić spent the school year 1955—1956 training at the Academy of Music and Drama Art in Vienna. During the summer 1956 he attended courses for contemporary music in Darmstadt.
In 1955 he was elected an assistant at the Department of Composition of the Academy of Music in Belgrade ), 1961 Assistant Professor at the Department of Music Theory, 1965 Associate Professor, 1988 full professor. From 1967 to 1971 he also taught at the :sr:Факултет уметности Универзитета у Нишу|Department of I stage education in Niš. He taught various theoretical subjects, and since 1971 the history of Yugoslav music at the Department of Musicology.
He was a mentor to 51 candidates from the theoretical courses and 27 from the history of Yugoslav music for their final exam, as well as to 6 postgraduates.
He retired as a professor of the Faculty of Music in Belgrade in 1993.
He died in Belgrade on 1 March 2000.
For 80 anniversary of composer's birth, 7 December 2007, in Music and Information Centre SOKOJ in Belgrade, the first part of the Legacy Vlastimir Peričić was opened.
Academy of Music, University of East Sarajevo, opened the second part of the Legacy Vlastimir Peričić.

Recognitions and awards

Vlastimir Peričić won several awards and recognitions.

Here are just some of them:
His idiom in music writing is based on neo-romanticism, with some tendencies towards freer and bolder vertical structures. In his works, which are characterized by clarity and fine technical touch, there prevails some inclination towards sonata-cyclic forms.
1. Dve narodne for mixed choir

2. Tri minijature za klavir

3. Intermeco za klavir, 1947, 4'

4. Menuet for string quartet, 1947, 3'

5. Three solos, 1948, 9'

6. Two mixed choirs, 1948, 6'

7. Pesme iz Vranja for mixed choir, 1948, 4'

8. Tema s varijacijama za klavir, 1948, 12'

9. Pesme iz Makedonije for mixed choir, 1948, 5'

10. Sonata za klavir in F- minor, 1949, 22'

11. Pepeljuga, music for children's puppet play, for small orchestra,1949, 20'

12. Pesme iz Dalmacije for mixed choir, 1049, 5'

13. Gudački kvartet, d- minor, 1950, 25'

14. Šumske idile, a song cycle for voice and piano, 1950, 9'

15. Novela od Stanca, the music for scene, 1950, 12'

16. Simfonijski stav za veliki orkestar, in G- minor, 1951, 14'

17. Sonatina za violinu i klavir, in E- major, 1951, 9'

18. Sonatina za klavir, 1952, 8'

19. Fantasia quasi una sonata, for viola and piano in G-minor, 1954, 14'

20. Pasakalja za violončelo i klavir, 1955, 9'

21. Mala svita za tri violine, 1955, 10'

22. Simfonieta za gudački orkestar, 1956–57, 25'

23. Tri pesme Rabindranatha Tagore, for voice and piano, 1957, 9'

24. Music for children's film Drveni konjić, for piano, 1957, 9'

25. Noć bez jutra, song cycle for voice and piano, 1959, 8'

26. Preludijum za klavir, 1960, 2'

27. Gradinar, song cycle for voice and piano, 1962–64, 15'

28. Sonatina za klarinet i klavir in F-major, 1996, 8'

29. Sonatina breve for clarinet and piano in D-minor, 1996, 5'

30. Ciacconetta for clarinet and piano, 1996, 3'

31. Sarabanda e Fugeta for clarinet and piano, 1946/1996, 4'

32. Sonata za violončelo i klavir in B-minor, 1955/1996, 22'

33. Dve etide za klarinet i klavir, 1997, 3'

34. Tri dueta za dva klarineta i klavir, 1997, 4'

35. Kto Bog velij for mixed choir, 1998, 2'



Articles and Studies

Cooperation in encyclopedias

Redacting work


Texts for the programs of Radio Belgrade, Radio Skopje, for covers of the records in the BTB PGP, the program comments for the Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra, Symphony Orchestra and Choir of Radio Belgrade, Musical Youth. Biographical articles on composers-academics on the occasion of the SANU exhibition, 1981, texts for the programs of concerts in the SANU Gallery, 1982/1983, etc..
