Visitor management

Visitor management refers to tracking the usage of a public building or site. By gathering increasing amounts of information, a Visitor Management System can record the usage of the facilities by specific visitors and provide documentation of visitor’s whereabouts.
Proponents of an information rich visitor management system point to increased school security as one substantial benefit. As more parents demand action from the schools that will protect children from sexual predators, some school districts are turning to modern visitor management systems that not only track a visitor’s stay, but also check the visitor’s information against national and local criminal databases.

Visitor management technologies

Computer visitor management systems

Basic computer or electronic visitor management systems use a computer network to monitor and record visitor information.
An electronic visitor management system improves upon most of the negative points of a pen and paper system. Visitor ID can be checked against national and local databases, as well as in-house databases for potential security problems. With the help of a Visitor Management System you not only reduce the use of paper pen but it also helps you keep everything organized either it's check-in, check-out time of visitors or pre-inviting the visitors for an appointment.

Visitor management software as a service

Another alternative to visitor management software is an on-line, web based visitor management system offered as a service. SaaS visitor management software for schools allows administrators to screen visitors upon entrance, often checking for sex offender status, and restrict access to unauthorized entrants. SaaS visitor management software for the real estate industry allows landlords and managers to remotely control and monitor access rights without the need to pass physical keys and keycards to new tenants. SaaS visitor management software for commercial offices allows facilities managers to automate their building's reception area with advocates of this type of system claiming a variety of benefits, including both security and privacy. Many modern SaaS visitor management systems are tablet-based apps, and are thin client solutions operating software as a service in the cloud.

Visitor management systems on smart phones

based visitor management system work similar to a web based system, but hosts can get real-time notifications or alerts on their device. Hosts can allow or deny visit to guest based on their interest or availability.
Smart phone based visitor management systems also enable features like automatic and touchless sign-in using technologies that include QR codes and geofencing.

Integrations with other systems

Leading visitor management systems offer integration with other workplace management systems, such as access control and Wi-Fi credentials.