Vishwa Jagriti Mission

Vishwa Jagriti Mission is a social cultural organization in the area of spirituality in India. VJM was established by Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj in March 1991. VJM provides guidance for performing spiritual activities such as Yoga and Satsang-Sankirtan.
The mission has 65 branches and 18 Ashrams in India and abroad.


The mission has constructed and established charitable hospitals, magnificent temples, Gurukul, Public Schools in Tribal Areas, homes for the aged, shades and dwellings for the cows, libraries and reading rooms. It also extends financial and material help to those who suffer from natural calamities. Blood-donation camps are periodically organized, and blood is donated for army personnel.


A monthly magazine with a circulation of approximately 100,000, ‘Jeevan Sanchetna’, is published in Hindi and English by Vishwa Jagriti Mission.
‘Dharmdoot’ is a monthly newspaper about the activities of the mission circulated through VJM.