Virginia Walbot

Virginia Walbot is an American agriculturalist and botanist who is a professor in the Department of Biology at Stanford University. She was a member of a team that developed a new sweet corn. She co-authored an article for corn farming in the 4th issue, volume 26 of Plant Reproduction titled "Maize Male sterile 8, a putative β-1,3-galactosyltransferase, modulates cell division, expansion, and differentiation during early maize anther development".


Walbot first began working with corn when she used to help grow and sell it on her family's farm in Southern California. Later in the 1970s she began her interest in corn when she met Barbara McClintock, who also worked with corn. That is when Walbot began visiting McClintock's lab in Cold Spring Harbor and when she became devoted to the studies of the sex life of corn.
In 1967, Walbot received a BA degree in biology at Stanford University. In 1969–1972, attended Yale to work on embryogenesis to receive an M.Phil. and Ph.D. She attended the University of Georgia to postdoctoral work. She became a faculty Member at Washington University in St. Louis. Later Walbot returned to Stanford as a professor in the Department of Biology.
Walbot first worked with maize while working with Ed Coe in the University of Missouri.
Walbot participates in societies including the American Society for Cell Biology, AAAS, AIBS, Genetics Society, and International Society for Plant Molecular Biology
Published two books, Developmental Biology in 1987 and The Maize Handbook in 1993.
Walbot has published a total of 126 journal articles.

Administrative appointments