Virgin Fleet

Virgin Fleet is a 1998 anime OVA series created by Oji Hiroi and Yasuhiro Imagawa and produced by AIC and Beam Entertainment. A video game sequel was released in 1999 for the PlayStation console.

Plot summary

The series takes place after the end of the first World War circa the 1930s, where virgin young women who have a special energy called Virgin Energy are called upon to pilot fighter jets who rely on Virgin energy. The story follows Shiokaze Umino as she attends the Nakano Women's Naval Academy with her classmates Satsuki and Komachi as they balance being on-duty and their regular school life.


;Shiokaze Umino
;Mau Sakisaka
;Satsuki Yukimisawa
;Komachi Kusatsuzuki
;Hidemaro Hirose
;VAdm Tatsutagawa
;LtCdr. Wakamoto
;Kōka Hirose
;Suzukure Mibuno
;Hatsuki Fujiwara
;Ise Haruoshimi
;Matsuri Sakisaka
;Diesel Sada
;Nikola Papilo



The OVAs consisted of three episodes released from April 25 to October 25, 1998 and were released on VHS, Laserdisc, and DVD by Beam Entertainment. The OVAs were licensed in North America by Central Park Media and released under the U.S. Manga Corps label on VHS and DVD in 2000. The English dub was produced by Headline Studios in Irvington, New York.
No.TitleOriginal air date


;Opening: Aitsu Performed by Sumi Shimamoto
;Closing: Virgin Fleet Go! Go! Performed by Sumi Shimamoto, Satsuki Yukino, Chinami Nishimura