Violin (2017 film)

Violin is the final novel of the film trilogy "Witnesses". The film opens at the beginning of the 20th century in a violin shop, where an instrument was created as a present for a Jewish boy. Later that violin became a witness to the tragic events that took place during the Holocaust. When the instrument turned a hundred years old, its journey ended a concert at the Wailing Wall.


The world of the film forms around a unique musical instrument and its incredible journey, that involved witnessing all the horrors of the war. It opens in a violin shop, where at the beginning of the 20th century an instrument was created as a present for a Jewish boy. It ends many years later by a concert at the Wailing Wall.


Filmmakers from Russia, Israel, the United States, Belarus and the Czech Republic participated in the production. The filming took place in Moscow, New-York, Prague, Brest, Minsk and ended in Jerusalem with accordance of the novel's plot.
The film was created with the financial support of the Ministry for Culture of Russia, as well as private philanthropists.


Film premiered as part of the competition program of the 39th Moscow International Film Festival in June 2017. It is also longlisted for the Academy Award for Live Action Short Film.

