Vikramaditya Varaguna

Vikramaditya —better known as Vikramaditya "Varaguna"—was a monarch of the Ay dynasty of south India. His surname indicates that he was a vassal or feudatory of the Pandya ruler Varaguna II. He was the immediate successor of Karunantatakkan "Srivallabha", a vassal of Pandya king Srimara Srivallabha.
Vikramaditya is known for making a large land donation to a Buddhist vihara in central Kerala. This act of donation is considered as a symbol of friendly attitute towards the Chera/Perumal rulers of Kerala.

Records of Vikramaditya Varaguna

Chitral inscription, dated to the 28th year of Vikramaditya Varaguna, says that Kunantangi Kurattikal, the disciple of Arattanemi Bhatara of Perayakkudi gifted some gold ornaments to the Bhatariyar of Tiruchanatu Malai. The Bhagavati temple of Tiruchanatu Malai in Chitral is often identified as a medieval Jain centre.
Certain Varaguna - may be Vikramaditya - the disciple of Tirucharanattu Pattini Bhatarar appears as a donor in an inscription discovered from the temple of Tiruchanatu Malai in Chitral.

Paliyam Copper Plates

In 898 AD, Vikramaditya made a donation of certain lands in the Ay country to the deity of Srimulavasa Buddhist vihara. The inscription is compiled in Tamil script and Nagari script.
The currently accepted date of the Paliyam Copper Plates was fixed by historian M. G. S. Narayanan.
Three dates are suitable for the astronomical data contained in the plates.