Vikas Nagar

Vikas Nagar is a village in the Nicobar district of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India. It is located in the Nancowry tehsil. It is populated by people from the former Trinket village, which was evacuated after the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami.


According to the 2011 census of India, Vikas Nagar has 48 households. The effective literacy rate is 74.27%.
Children aged below 6 years291910
Scheduled caste000
Scheduled tribe1749777
Workers 14611333
Main workers 72657
Main workers: Cultivators624
Main workers: Agricultural labourers000
Main workers: Household industry workers000
Main workers: Other66633
Marginal workers 744826
Marginal workers: Cultivators27207
Marginal workers: Agricultural labourers000
Marginal workers: Household industry workers220
Marginal workers: Others452619