
Vihtavuori is a district of Laukaa, Finland. It's located about 15 kilometers to the north from Jyväskylä and about 7 kilometers away from the center of Laukaa. The population of Vihtavuori was 2 318 in 2016.
Vihtavuori has several services, such as a school, a day care center, a chapel, a pub-restaurant and a store. There is also a gunpowder factory, which was built in 1920.
The area contains mostly single-family houses and row houses, but in the center of Vihtavuori there are also apartment buildings, which were built in the 1970s. The construction of the area was started after the gunpowder factory was built. Many of the houses in Vihtavuori were during the 1970s and 1980s, but complementary construction has been done in the area actively.
