Viggo Stoltenberg-Hansen

Viggo Stoltenberg-Hansen, born 1942, professor at Uppsala University, Department of Mathematics, is a Swedish mathematician/logician and expert on domain theory and recursion theory. Viggo received his PhD in Mathematics from University of Toronto in 1973, supervised by Douglas Clarke.

Work on domain theory

Viggo Stoltenberg-Hansen and John Tucker developed in the early 1980s a general method of domain representations of topological algebras.
Viggo is the main author of the textbook "Mathematical Theory of Domains", Cambridge University Press, 1994, and also of a set of Marktoberdorf summer school lecture notes on domain theory.

Work on effective domains

Viggo Stoltenberg-Hansen and John Tucker made a thorough analysis of the computability associated to effective algebras and continuity of homomorphisms between such.