Vieste Lighthouse

Vieste Lighthouse, also Isola Santa Eufemia is an active lighthouse on the islet of Santa Eufemia, located between the rocks of Santa Croce and San Francesco, just opposite the town of Vieste, Apulia, Italy. Its position is strategic for the shipping lanes in the middle and lower Adriatic Sea.


The lighthouse was built on plan by Francesco Saverio Gatta in 1867 in limestone; it has an octagonal prism form with balcony and lantern and it is placed atop a two-story building. The unpainted tower is unpainted is high; the lantern is positioned at a height of above sea level. The lighthouse was automated in 1997 and is operated by the Lighthouses Service of Marina Militare, identified by the Country code number 3816 E.F. The light emits three white flashes in a fifteen seconds period visible up to. The lighthouse is completely controlled and operated by the Command Area Lighthouses Navy based in Venice. The Marina Militare has been responsible for managing of all the lights along Italy's 8000 kilometre coastline Italian since 1910, using both military and civilian technicians.
The lighthouse receives its electricity by an overhead powerline from the Italian mainland. East of the lighthouse, is a free-standling lattice tower insulated against ground used for a DGPS-transmitter working on 292.5 kHz.