Vicious Engine

The Vicious Engine is a game engine offering functionality for rendering, sound, networking, physics, game play scripting, and lighting. It is developed by Vicious Cycle Software, and was first released in January 2005. No additional third party libraries are required, and all source code is included. It supports Nintendo GameCube, Wii, WiiWare, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation Network, and Microsoft Windows.

Vicious Engine 2

Vicious Engine 2 has been optimized for eighth-generation consoles and high-end PCs. It was released on March 25, 2009 at the Game Developers Conference. It features improvements for next-generation console, especially the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. D3P and Vicious Cycle Software's is the first retail title to use the new technology. In addition to the previous platforms, it also supports PlayStation 3.

Games using the Vicious Engine