Velvet Lounge

The Velvet Lounge was a nightclub in the South Loop of Chicago. It started as a jazz club and was called the "dusty epicenter of the Midwest's free form jazz scene. It was located at 2128 1/2 S. Indiana Avenue before moving to 67 E. Cermak when the original building was scheduled for demolition. After moving it changed from jazz to presenting DJs and comedy. It closed permanently in 2019.


The club was owned by jazz saxophonist Fred Anderson from 1983 until his death in 2010. Many albums were recorded at the club, including a series of live recordings featuring Anderson himself, on the Delmark label, and 1998's Live at the Velvet Lounge with Anderson, Peter Kowald, and Hamid Drake. Many prominent musicians played the Velvet Lounge early in their careers, particularly in Sunday night jam sessions. The sessions have been hosted by Chicago musicians. The lineup of the early-mid 1990s featured trumpeter Billy Brimfield, saxophonist Art Taylor, pianist Jim Baker, bassist Mike Cristol, and drummer Gerald Donovan. Since the early 1990s, the "Velvet Graduates" include tenor saxophonist David Boykin, baritone saxophonist Aaron Getsug, alto saxophonist Greg Ward II, bassist Karl E. H. Seigfried, and drummer Isaiah Spencer. After Anderson's death, the club was purchased by a neighboring business which replaced jazz with DJs, hip hop, and comedians.