Velleia is a genus of herbs in the family Goodeniaceae. Of the 22 species, 21 are endemic to Australia, and one is endemic to New Guinea. The genus was named by James Edward Smith, after Thomas Velley.Species include:
- Velleia arguta R.Br.
- Velleia connata F.Muell.
- Velleia cycnopotamica F.Muell.
- Velleia daviesii F.Muell.
- Velleia discophora F.Muell.
- Velleia exigua Carolin
- Velleia foliosa K.Krause
- Velleia glabrata Carolin
- Velleia hispida W.Fitzg.
- Velleia lyrata R.Br.
- Velleia macrocalyx de Vriese
- Velleia macrophylla Benth.
- Velleia montana Hook.f.
- Velleia panduriformis Benth.
- Velleia paradoxa R.Br.
- Velleia parvisepta Carolin
- Velleia perfoliata R.Br.
- Velleia pubescens R.Br.
- Velleia rosea S.Moore
- Velleia spathulata R.Br.
- Velleia trinervis Labill.