
Velfac A/S is a Danish company who produces windows for the building industry.
The company is part of VKR Holding A/S, which also owns, among other things, Velux and Rationel. Velfac exports to several countries and has sales offices in Great Britain, Ireland, Sweden and Denmark. Velfac A/S is based in Ringkøbing and has over 1,000 employees and an annual turnover of just over £ 1.5 billion


The company was established in 1952 by the V. Kann Rasmussen & Co., and has manufactured windows for homes and building projects since then. Who sent the first window on the market and later registered the names Velux and Velfac. Three years later opened Leif E. Hansen carpentry business in Ølstrup near Ringkøbing that barely ten years later began producing windows called Windows Ribo A/S. This company was in 1978 part of the V. Kann Rasmussen Company Group. Since then the company has expanded several times.
Light and energy
The slim frame of Velfac windows and patio doors let in significantly more daylight than traditional alternatives. The combination of high performance glazing and internal wood frame guarantees inner temperatures and good sound insulation. U-values can reach as low as 0.7W/m2k.
A long, secure life
Velfac windows are internally beaded, which means the glass cannot be removed from the outside, and the aluminium sash is designed to withstand even the most determined criminal. This aluminium sash also provides a long life span of 40+ years with minimal maintenance.

Velfac is a subsidiary of VKR Holding.


Villum Kann Rasmussen's motto of "one test is worth more than a thousand expert opinions" are still part of the company. The message is always trying something new and thus develop themselves and the company.

V. Kann Rasmussen Foundation

A foundation set up by founder Villum Kann Rasmussen in 1991 to provide support for environmental projects. The foundation annually awards funding for projects dealing with climate change, unsustainable consumption, and loss of biodiversity. Fund applications are submitted through a Letter of Enquiry.

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Velfac 400