Monster Warriors

Monster Warriors is an original Canadian television series which aired on YTV in Canada and also on Jetix since April 2006 in the United Kingdom. It was created by Wilson Coneybeare and produced by Coneybeare Stories Inc. The series concluded its run on July 26, 2008, with a TV movie titled Monster Warriors Finale on YTV.


Season one

The series, a purposely campy cross between the Power Rangers and Ghostbusters, follows the adventures of four teenagers fighting to safeguard Capital City from the vengeful wrath of insane and disgruntled old B-Movie director Klaus Von Steinhauer who possesses the ability to bring his cinematic monsters to life. Over the course of the series, various story arcs occur that expand the series cast and city locations. Each week sees the teens customize common household objects into useful weapons to fight against monstrous creations.

Season two

The battle continues as the Monster Warriors work from their new hideout: a deserted secret bomb shelter beneath Luke's house. The newly outfitted warriors get caught in the battle between Von Steinhauer and the new Mystery Monster Maker. The new monsters are half animal, half machine.


Core characters

Luke is the reserved yet tough leader of the Warriors. He is rich, tall and handsome and holds the keys to the group's sweet purple convertible and their headquarters at his home. He is Tabby's love interest. Although he acts tough most of the times, he still has certain fears, particularly of forests. His family fortune comes from his environmental activist parents' invention of coin deposit locks on shopping carts.
Antonio is the darkly handsome scientific genius of the gang. As a recent immigrant to Capital City, he devoted his considerable intellectual abilities to learning to speak English without any trace of a foreign accent, and he has wide knowledge of fields like zoology, astronomy, geology and history. Although he is shy and kind of nerdy, he still has many female admirers.
This blond 17 year old fancies herself the second in command of the group and is Luke's love interest. She is an ace inventor who can turn ordinary household gadgets into monster blasting weaponry. She is also the captain of the volleyball team and school class president and is an all round goody two-shoes- although she doesn't like being called one.
She is bravest of the Warriors and a dedicated practitioner of obscure martial arts. Tough, fierce and virtually fearless, the athletic brunette is, however, particularly uncomfortable with heights, has failed her driving test multiple times and has had a string of hopeless boyfriends. She later develops a relationship with Antonio.

Other recurring characters

Season 1

This * means the Episodes that are available on DVD.
Episode NumberEpisode TitleMonster
01*"The Giant Spider Invasion"Giant Spiders
02*"The Beast From Beneath the Sea"Kraken
03*"Gators"Alligator Family
05*"The Terror Underground"Worm
06*"The Super Colossal Ice Monster"Ice Monster
07*"Dawn of the Dragon"Dragon
08*"Anaconda Of The North Woods"Anaconda
09*"The Giant Lobster Invasion"Giant Lobsters
10*"Last Ride of the Skeleton Crew"Skeleton Gang
11*"Attack of the Junk Monster"Giant Metal-Eating Radioactive Junk Monster
12*"Pterodactyl Terror"Pterodactyls
13*"Fall of the Haunted House of T-Rex"T.Rex
14*"Attack of the Giant Carnivorous Butterfly"Carnivorous butterfly
15"Capital City vs. the Plant Thing"Killer Vine & Giant Slug
16"Beware the Blob Thing"Blob
17*"Alien Zombie from the Planet Zeenom"Alien Zombie
18"Terror of the Giant Cockroaches"Cockroaches
19*"Marauding Mantis"Praying Mantis
20"Revenge of the Mud Maniac"Giant Mud Monster
22*"Day of the Piranha"Man-Eating Piranhas
23*"Attack of the Enormous Terrifying Ladybug"Ladybug
24*"Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea Cucumber"Giant Sea Cucumber
25*"Ribbit"Giant Frogs
26*"Ribbit 2: Froggy's Revenge"Giant Frog Army

Season 2

Episode NumberEpisode TitleMonster
01"Attack of the Stinkbugs: Part I"Stinkbugs
02"Attack of the Stinkbugs: Part II"Stinkbugs
03"Terror at the Drive-In"Praying Mantis
04"Alien Returns"Alien Zombie & Space Monkey
05"Monkey Machine: Part I"Mechanical Monkey
06"Monkey Machine: Part II"Mechanical Monkey
07"Beast from Below"Giant Jellyfish
08"Megabatua"Giant Bats
09"Terror in the North Woods"Big Foot
10"The Secrets of the Lost Canyon"Pterodactyls
11"Attack of the Leaping Leeches"Leeches
12"Attack of the Monumonsters"Monumonsters
13"Terror of the Troglothals"One-eyed troll-like monsters
14"Astrosaurus vs. Gigantobeast"Molten-lava dinosaur and a Giant Robot
15"Invasion of the Computer Bugs"Computer bugs
16"Curse of the Lagoon Man"Lagoon Man of Capital City legend
17"Ratblaster"Giant Mutated Rat
18"Return of the Icemonster"Ice Monster
19"Penguins"gigantic penguins
20"Gnomes for the Holiday"Gnomes
21"Trick or Treat"Ants
22"Attack of the Abominable Snowman"Abominable Snowman
23"Zaal: Kirubian Bird Of Prey"Kirubian Bird
24"The Skeleton Crew Rides Again"Skeleton Gang
25"UltiBeast: Part 1"UltiBeast
26"UltiBeast: Part 2"UltiBeast, Giant Frog, Giant Mud Monster, Giant Cockroaches, Astrosaurus, Gigantobeast, Pterodactyls, Dragon, Mechanical Monkey, Giant Leaping Leeches, Praying Mantis

DVD releases

Monster Warriors Vs. Creepy Crawlers: Volume 1 was released on June 30, 2009.
Features 5 Episodes:
"The Giant Spider Invasion"
"Attack of the Giant Carnivorous Butterfly"
"Marauding Mantis"
& "Attack of the Enormous Terrifying Ladybug"
Monster Warriors:War of the Water World - Volume 2 was released on August 25, 2009.
Features 5 Episodes:
"The Beast From Beneath the Sea"
"Day of the Piranha"
"Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea Cucumber"
& "Ribbit 2: Froggy's Revenge"
Plus 1 Bonus Episode: "The Giant Lobster Invasion"
Monster Warriors:Mutant Madness - Volume 3 was released on November 24, 2009.
Features 5 Episodes:
"The Terror Underground"
"Last Ride of the Skeleton Crew"
"Attack of the Junk Monster"
"Fall of the Haunted House of T-Rex"
& "Alien Zombie from the Planet Zeenom"
Monster Warriors:Creature Feature - Volume 4 was released on March 30, 2010.
Features 5 Episodes:
"The Incredible Ice Monster!"
"Dawn of the Dragon!"
"Attack of the Giant Anaconda!"
& "Pterodactyl Terror!"
So far there are 21 Episodes from the First Season on DVD but North Video of Czech Republic got all episodes of first series on DVD in Czech and English.


Show creator Wilson Coneybeare is the son of Canadian icon Rod Coneybeare who makes a cameo appearance in one episode as the homeless former mayor of Capital City.