Vanishing Son

Vanishing Son is an American action television series that was part of Universal Television's Action Pack. Starting as a series of four television films in 1994, the series debuted in Syndicated on January 16, 1995. Vanishing Son I, Vanishing Son II, Vanishing Son III, and Vanishing Son IV, were aired on February 28, July 18, July 25, and October 10, 1994, respectively. The series was ground-breaking for the casting of an Asian male in an attractive leading-man role.


starred as Jian-Wa Chang, a musician who escaped from the People's Republic of China after being involved in the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and escaping the subsequent massacre of students by the government. He and his brother Wago Chang escaped to the United States; he pursued his music while Wago became drawn to a life of organized crime.

''Vanishing Son I''

Vanishing Son I covers Jian-Wa and Wago's life in China, where Jian-Wa is trained in violin by Teacher Beaton and both Jian-Wa and Wago are trained in martial arts by Sifu Yamou. Both Jian-Wa and Wago participate in political demonstrations with their friend, Lili. As a result of getting into an altercation with military guards, their father, Louyung Chang, tells them to flee or else risk being arrested or killed by the Secret Police. They consequently migrate to the United States via a fishing boat and are apprehended by a federal Immigration Agent named Estabrook. After they are brought to a jail in San Bruno, Agent Estabrook uncovers photos of Jian-Wa and Wago in Time and releases them due to the asylum laws. After they attempt to get a series of low-paying odd jobs in and around Los Angeles, Jian-Wa becomes a violinist and falls in love with a cellist, Clair Rutledge. Wago joins a gang led by Fu Qua Johnson, whom the brothers met in jail. As Jian-Wa performs gigs and his relationship with Clair strengthens, Wago rises in the ranks of the criminal underworld. We also find out that Fu Qua's gang is ultimately run by a Vietnamese mobster named "The General". Jian-Wa's life with Clair is infringed upon when he senses that Wago is in danger and hurries to rescue him. Unsuccessful at pulling Wago from his life of crime, he returns to Clair's side. The next morning, she awakens to find she is alone and finds Jian-Wa's letter declaring his love for her, yet it is his love and devotion to his brother that has driven him to leave once again.

''Vanishing Son II''

In Vanishing Son II, Jian-Wa parts with Clair and goes on the road to evade being questioned by the authorities about criminal activities and murders committed by his brother, Wago. Jian-Wa hitchhikes to a gulf community in Louisiana, where he meets a population of Vietnamese fishermen. The community consists of an elderly patriarch, a quick-tempered young man named Hung, and his sister, Lanchi, whom Jian-Wa is attracted to. A woman named Mai lives in the community and falls for Reggie Valmont, the son of a local fisherman and Ku Klux Klan member named Mickey Jo. Tensions between the Ku Klux Klan and the Vietnamese community explode in Little Saigon when Hung kills a local white fisherman in self-defense. Jian-Wa is preparing to leave again when the Sheriff seeks him out for interrogation after having witnessed the event, but he reconsiders with Lanchi's persuasion. Reggie, who is also a witness, is torn between lying to please the good old boys and following his convictions. Ku Klux Klan members storm the Vietnamese community, and just when Jian-Wa and Hung are about to lose the fight, Wago arrives on the scene and rescues them. Jian-Wa bids farewell to Lanchi and the Vietnamese once the National Guard and police units infiltrate the area and goes to Washington, D.C. for a violin competition. The final scene reunites Wago with the woman he loves, Lili, who was thought to have been killed by the Secret Police in China during the riots.

''Vanishing Son III''

In Vanishing Son III, Jian-Wa is playing in a violin competition in Washington D.C. when he sees Clair again. He tells her the truth about Wago's transgressions and the promise he made to their father to protect him. The two quickly rekindle their love, yet it is cut short when Jian-Wa returns to Los Angeles with her and is arrested by a federal task force bent on apprehending Wago and members of his gang. He is forced to go undercover to infiltrate the gang for information on a man called The General, but Jian-Wa is aiming to utilize his situation to rescue his brother. Meanwhile, with Fu Qua dead, Wago begins the ascension to the top of The General's criminal organization, working with him, Lili, and a former Triad named Chou Pei to take down the "dragonheads" of the Triads. Jian-Wa works for Wago and is given upscale clothing, a new home, and a brand new car. Jian-Wa resists romantic advancements from Lili, mindful of Wago's love for her. When Jian-Wa is united with Clair once more, Lili becomes resentful and attempts to murder Clair with a car bomb after failing to seduce Jian-Wa. When faced with the death of her best friend, Clair questions the life Jian-Wa is now leading. Jian-Wa promises her protection and gives her a plane ticket to a safe location. Jian-Wa furiously confronts Lili over her actions and rebukes her as merely a tool to be used by The General. Wago turns against his brother out of blind devotion to Lili and resentment when Jian-Wa attempts to convince him of Lili's lies. Jian-Wa visits Estabrook later and learns that The General is a high-level CIA operative, and Lili is working with him, planning to set up Wago to take a fall. In the climax, Wago's gang and the Triads are seized by government agents during an ambush. Amid the chaos, Jian-Wa faces off with Wago and Lily. Seeing Wago become taken in by Jian-Wa's words, Lili manages to steal Wago's gun. Failing to appease the emotionally unstable Lili, Wago tries to disarm her and the gun discharges, instantly killing her and fatally injuring himself. Before his last breath, he tells Jian-Wa that he never stopped loving him through everything. Estabrook and the task force happen upon the bodies of Wago and Lili as they comb the area. Jian-Wa has escaped.

''Vanishing Son IV''

In Vanishing Son IV, tormented by his brother's death, Jian-Wa is roaming around the countryside at night when he gets struck by a truck driven by two intoxicated teenagers, Adams and Dawson. Jian-Wa is taken in by a reclusive woman named Megan who lives nearby. While Jian-Wa recovers, he rouses the interest of Megan on his origin and identity. At first, Jian-Wa is unwilling to discuss the past, but with reassurance from the spirit of Wago, whom only he can see, he opens up. Through the learning of Jian-Wa's dark past, it is revealed that Megan has a dark past of her own and has chosen to ostracize herself out of heavy guilt over the death of her young son in a carjacking incident. The two slowly connect through their shared heartaches. Jian-Wa urges her to make peace with her child's death and persevere. Once Wago's spirit warns him of impending danger, Jian-Wa fights off the two teenagers as they raid the cabin in an attempt to remove all evidence of their hit-and-run. Megan comes to terms with her son's death and goes into town to get the police. Jian-Wa takes to the road.

13 Episode Series

The 13-episode series occurs after the events of Vanishing Son IV. At the end of Vanishing Son III, two US Federal Agents were killed and Jian-Wa is held responsible, therefore he constantly is on the run from the authorities. However, "The General" is the true mastermind behind the murders. Jian-Wa becomes a fugitive, using his wisdom, music, and martial arts skills to solve problems along the way on his quest to bring "The General" to justice. The series has a lighter tone compared to the darker tone of the previous four telefilms in order to match the 1990s TV show nature of the series where Jian-Wa undertakes another adventure each episode. The music, as well as the opening theme song, was also composed by Jan Hammer.
As he helps others while traveling across America, he is aided by the spirit of his deceased brother, Wago, and meets an assortment of different characters along the way, including becoming involved with a Latina labor organizer nicknamed V , helping a man track down information about his Vietnam war veteran of a father and fighting another martial artist named Nguyen , coming to the aid of the Irish wife of a Texan ostrich farmer who physically abuses her and testifying in court for her innocence when she accidentally murders him in defense, reuniting with Hung and Lanchi in Oakland, California, where they moved to from Louisiana, and getting caught up in a gang dispute involving Hung and Lanchi's caucasian boyfriend, getting hired as a bodyguard/driver for the daughter of a wealthy man that lives in Rancho Santa Fe, only to find out that the daughter is more manipulative than she seems, being helped by an eccentric man named Issac who can also see the spirit of Wago, assisting a Chinese art smuggler and con artist named Dinah Lai with recovering some stolen artifacts from the Han Dynasty that she intends to sell in order to free her friends in China, becoming embroiled in a twisted game run by a sadistic couple where a young African American boy named Cliff and his Electrical Engineer father Ray also get caught up in, getting kidnapped along with another young girl named Beth by two brothers, George Bruce and Tom Bruce who are armed with guns and want to go down in history as famous criminals, helping out at a stable that breeds competitive horses and developing a relationship with a young rider named Tina who ends up getting sabotaged by the proprietor of the stable, Harry , comes to the aid of a singer named Dana in New Jersey, gets hired as a maitre d' "that women can fantasize about" by an owner of a restaurant, Rachel, who is reminded of her deceased former lover Mark whenever she sees Jian-Wa , and assists another musician he knew from the Beijing Philharmonic named Yu Lin free the clutches of a Triad criminal organization who he serves as a bookkeeper for known as the Tien-Ching gang led by "dailo" White Powder Ma and his nephew Benny Ping in San Francisco, and which also has ties to The General.
In the series, Jian-Wa is constantly on the run from ruthless Federal Agent Dan Sandler, the direct superior of the agents killed in the two-hour films. Agent Judith Phillips was a member of Sandler's team who was convinced that Jian-Wa was innocent and she gradually became his ally. This put her at great odds with Sandler.
The series was not renewed after the first thirteen-episode season aired.
