Vanadium-51 nuclear magnetic resonance

Vanadium-51 nuclear magnetic resonance is a method forr the characterization of vanadium-containing compounds and materials. 51V comprises 99.75% of naturally occurring element. The nucleus is quadrupolar with I = 7/2, which is not favorable for NMR spectroscopy. The quadrupole moment is small, thus the linewidths are small. The magnetogyric ratio is relatively high, such that 51V has 38% receptivity vs 1H. Its resonance frequency is close to that of 13C.
The chemical shift dispersion is great as illustrated by this series: 0 for VOCl3, −309 for VOCl2, −506 VOCl2, and −629 VO3. For vanadates, the parent orthovanadate and its conjugate aciid absorb at −541 and 534. For decavanadate, three shifts are observed in accord with the number of nonequivalent sites: −422, −502, −519.