Valerik, Achkhoy-Martanovsky District

Valerik is a rural locality in Achkhoy-Martanovsky District, Chechnya.

Administrative and municipal status

Municipally, Valerik is incorporated as Valerikskoye rural settlement. It is the administrative center of the municipality and the only settlement included in it.


Valerik is located on both banks of the Valerik River. It is located east of the village of Achkhoy-Martan and south-west of the city of Grozny.
The nearest settlements to Valerik are Zakan-Yurt in the north, Khambi-Irze and Kulary in the north-east, Gekhi in the east, Gekhi-Chu and Shalazhi in the south, Katyr-Yurt in the west, and Shaami-Yurt in the north-west.


In 1944, after the genocide and deportation of the Chechen and Ingush people and the Chechen-Ingush ASSR was abolished, the village of Valerik was renamed and settled by other ethnic groups. From 1944 to 1957, it was a part of the Novoselsky District of Grozny Oblast.
In 1958, after the Vaynakh people returned and the Chechen-Ingush ASSR was restored, the village regained its old name, Valerik.


According to the results of the 2010 Census, the majority of residents of Valerik were ethnic Chechens.


Valerik hosts an elementary school, two secondary schools, and a local mosque.