Vadim Ermolaev

Vadym Ermolaev is a Ukrainian businessman and investor. A millionaire, Ermolaev is rated as the 48th richest person in Ukraine by the Focus.


Forbes ranked him as 4th on the list of the most influential Dnipropetrovsk businessman and called him the main developer of Dnipro. Also, Ermolaev is called the developer, who has changed the urban architecture,.
The net worth of the CEO of the commercial-manufacturing corporation Alef is $322 million so that he is rated as one of the hundred Ukrainian rich men.
In April 2004, Anti-Monopoly Committee of Ukraine officially allowed The Procter&Gamble Company to buy an integral property complex ZAO Olvia Beta Cleaning Products Co, 25% of which was the Ermolaev's property holdings.
At the end of 2006, Vadym Ermolaev sold ZAO Agrobank to Czech financial group PPF, which manages assets to the value of more than $60 billion.
According to Dragon Capital Investment Company, Ermolaev's fortune in 2016 was $322 million. That is $66 million more than in the previous year.


magazine included businessman in the list of Zolota Sotnia with a fortune of $265 million.
Vadym Ermolaev for several times has been in the list of Focus magazine annual Ukraine's Top richest people rating with the estimated wealth of:
In 2015 Forbes ranked him as the 12th person of independent means, estimated the revenue from the real estate as ₴230–260 million.