VTV (Belarusian TV channel)

VTV - is a Belarusian entertainment channel. It appeared as a result of the rebranding of the popular TV channel "First music." The TV channel "VTV" instituted Belarusian company "Dobrovidenie." The channel broadcast TV series, sketch shows, humorous and informative programs, movies and music videos in the night / morning air. The main content in recent years taken the company CTC Media. Target audience VTV is aged 10 to 45 years old. The terms of viewers of TV channel 60% of the female audience, 40% of men. According to the latest when the Media Research television channel VTV share reached 6.3% VTV is the largest private television channel in Belarus. It is represented in 100 per cent of cable operators in Minsk and 98 percent of the country's cable operators. Satellite broadcasting is provided by satellite.
