Uzana II of Pagan

Uzana II of Pagan was viceroy of Pagan from 1325 to 1364 under the suzerain of Pinya Kingdom, and from 1365 to 1368 under the Ava Kingdom. He was also the last of the Pagan dynasty which dated back at least to the mid-9th century. Though still styled as King of Pagan, Uzana's effective rule, like his father's and grandfather's, amounted to just the area around Pagan city. King Swa Saw Ke of Ava was a nephew of Uzana II.


Uzana was a son of Saw Hnit, the vassal king of Pagan. The table below lists the dates given by the four main chronicles.
ChroniclesBirth–DeathAgeReignLength of reign
Zatadawbon Yazawin1317–1368511331–136837
Maha Yazawin1308–1365571322–136543
Yazawin Thit1310–1368581330–136838
Hmannan Yazawin1311–1368571325–136843