Ehime Prefectural Uwajima Fisheries High School

Ehime Prefectural Uwajima Fisheries High School is a public high school located in Meirinchō, Uwajima, Ehime, Shikoku, Japan established in 1945 as the Ehime Prefectural Fisheries School.


Established in 1945, Ehime Prefectural Uwajima Fisheries High School has produced a large number of alumni. The school was established on April 12, 1945 as an Ehime Prefectural Fisheries School with a capacity of 50 people. The school is the only fishery high school in Ehime Prefecture in Uwajima-shi, an area known for its production of Pagrus aquaculture and pearl aquaculture.

''Ehime Maru'' and USS ''Greeneville'' collision

The school operated the vessel Ehime Maru, which the USS Greenville, a U.S. Navy submarine, struck and sank on February 9, 2001 during the Ehime Maru and USS Greeneville collision.
The school acquired a new Ehime Maru ship with settlement money from the U.S. Navy. The new ship sailed to Hawaii in 2003. In Hawaii, the principal at the time of the disaster, Kazumitsu Joko, read a message from Moriyuki Kato, the governor of Ehime Prefecture, addressed to the Hawaiian people.