
Utmankhel a Pashtun tribe present in Pakistan, with substantial numbers in Afghanistan.They lie between the Mohmands and the Ranizais of Swat, to the west and south-west of the junction of the Swat and Panjkora rivers. The Utmankheils mostly living in Malakand, Bajawar, Mohmand, Lower Dir, Mardan and Orakzai. The Utmankhel are Pashtuns, part of the Karlani tribal confederacy, who fought against British and Mughals emperors in Pakhtunkhwa.The British regarded the Utmankhel tribesmen as “warlike” peoples and one of the Martial Race.The Utmankhel are a tall, stout and fair race, but their dress and general customs have been assimilated by the neighbouring peoples of Bajuar. Utmankhels speak the same dialect of Pashtu called Peshawari/Northeastern Pashto.

Local constitution

Utmankheli is a separate constitution and legislation of the Utmankhel tribe which is passed through Jirga system in non-written form to set a way of life. And no member of Utmankhel tribe is considered above it until or unless it surpass or oppose Islamic rules. If a government lawmaker participates in any Jirga of Utmankhel tribe, he’s informed that Utmankheli as a constitution guides in such a way. E.g if two villages are fighting on one hill claiming to be theirs. It will be decided in such a way that if the rain water from the hill flows one of the two village, that will be claimed as part of that village. In such decision making becomes easy.Or if animals belonging to one family destroyed the crops of some other family and jirga is resolving the issue. So for this Utmankheli suggests that if it happened in winter, the owner of the animals will compensate. And if it happened in summer, the owner of the field was ought to take good of his crops. And there are so many legislation as these which suggest the life style for Utmankhels and is termed as Utmankheli.

Major areas

Alliance with Yousafzai in Battle of Katlang and shahbazgarl

According to History Khursheed, tribe UtmanKhel inhabited in Waziristan areas during the 14th century. Utmankhel tribe also sailed to Peshawar with Parkhushi, Tarklani, Gigyani, Yousafzai, Mohmand, Khalil, Dawoodzai, Zerhan and Chamkani tribes. Utmankhel tribe supported to combat Khashi and Khakhi tribes against Dilazak and showed intrepidity. For the first time, UtmanKhel tribe participated in the famous battle of Katlang, Shahbaz Garl and used leather woven clothes, that time UtmanKhel tribe was being led by Sheikh Atta Baba Utmankhel whose shrine is still present in Baru Chowk Ala Dand, Malakand Agency which is now well known by Sheikh Atta Baba Of the areas taken as a result of winning the combat of Katlang, Shaikh Atta Baba's longings were given to UtmanKhel, the tribal areas of Khasi, Khakhi, Tarklani, Yusufzai tribes in Bajaur, Aang, Bering, Anbar etc. For this reason, the tribes of UtmanKhel have been living in the Khashi tribes since ancient times and settled in Bajaur according to the division of Sheikh Mali Baba. On the south Mohmand laid, on the south side are Gagani and Mamunzai settlements, while on the east side Yusufzai is inhabited. According to Khursheed's history the arrangement of Family tree which is given, considered wrong. According to this family tree Tarklani & ismailkhel are its tribes. Turzai is a distinct. As Sayyed tribe belongs to Karni tribe, is needed to be discussed furthermore. Malik Ahmed, Chief of Yusufzais was able to muster the whole Yusufzais and Mandars together with their confederates, the Jaduns, Utmankhels and Muhammadzais. A great battle was fought between the Dilazaks and Yusufzais and their allies near the trats of Katlong and Shahabz-Garh. The Dilazaks were over thrown and they failed to rejoin their kinsmen south of Kabul river. Currently, you're having eyes on Atta Baba'x shrine It is in a very unfavorable condition.

British Era