Usotsuki Paradox

Usotsuki Paradox, also known by the short title Usopara, is a 2009–2012 manga series written by Nanki Satō and illustrated by Akira Kiduki. It was adapted into a live action film, which premiered on September 7, 2013.



;Shunsuke Yōkadō
;Hinako Seiyū
;Kazuki Ōkuwa
;Nao Maruetsu



The manga series Usotsuki Paradox was written by Nanki Satō and illustrated by Akira Kiduki. It was published by Hakusensha in their Young Animal magazine, starting from 2009's 8th issue, released on April 24, 2009, and ending with 2012's 8th issue, on April 13, 2012. The series was collected in 9 volumes, released under the Jet Comics imprint between September 29, 2009, and June 26, 2012. A 10th volume with extra chapters, subtitled Jikangaiteate was published simultaneously with the 9th.

Live-action film

A live-action film adaptation, directed by Kōta Yoshida, will premiere in the Human Trust Cinema in Shibuya on September 7, 2013. The lead characters Shunsuke Yōkadō and Hinako Seiyū are portrayed by Nami Motoyama and Akihiro Mayama respectively.
