Untitled 08 – 09.06.2014.

"Untitled 08 | 09.06.2014.", titled "Untitled 2" before its official release, is a jazz rap song by American rapper Kendrick Lamar, featured on his compilation album, untitled unmastered..


Lyrically, the track discusses the futility of hopelessness in the face of adversity. The lyrics show little optimism, though Lamar cushions his anger and disappointment with "irresistibly" feel-good vibes, suggesting there may be hope after all. USA Today described the narrative: "one of a young woman struggling with her come-up, the other an impoverished voice lashing out at Kendrick’s own accounts of his struggles. Both stories dissolve into his own, as he ends the album questioning what exactly we're owed by the universe for existing, and how hard we need to fight for what we're not." Musically, critics compared the song with "King Kunta", for its hydraulic-pumping synthesized bass thump and Lamar's slangy flow.

Live performances

The song was performed for the public for the first time on January 7, 2016, on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon.
