Universiti Islam Malaysia

Universiti Islam Malaysia - or UIM in short - is the first and only postgraduate-only university in Malaysia. The administration and academic offices are located in Cyberjaya with its permanent campus currently under development.



UIM Libraries which consists of CIMB Islamic – Primary Islamic Finance Library, UIM Wisdom Library and Al-Amiri Exclusive Collections were established to collect, preserve and disseminate the unique, rare and primary resources.
These libraries have been in operation since October 2015 with 3,000 volumes of print collection. Notable collections and subject strengths include the resources on Finance, Management, Wisdom, Law and Natural Medicine. In addition, there are more than 5,000 e-journals and e-books that are accessible from any computers on campus and other location off-campus.
Computers, wireless internet access, photocopiers, printers, group and individual study areas along with superb interior design makes the UIM Libraries conducive and ideal place to visit and study.
The libraries is open to students, lecturers, researcher and those who are interested in scholarly and quality resources. This libraries are open from 9:30am to 5:30pm on weekdays and from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm on weekends. This libraries is also open to external parties with affordable membership fee.