Undefined variable

An undefined variable in the source code of a computer program is a variable that is accessed in the code but has not been previously declared by that code.
In some programming languages, an implicit declaration is provided the first time such a variable is encountered at compile time. In other languages such a usage is considered to be sufficiently serious that a diagnostic being issued and the compilation fails.
Some language definitions initially used the implicit declaration behavior and as they matured provided an option to disable it.


The following provides some examples of how various programming language implementations respond to undefined variables. Each code snippet is followed by an error message.


*** - EVAL: variable X has no value

C">C (programming language)">C

int main

foo.c: In function `main':
foo.c:2: error: `x' undeclared
foo.c:2: error:


y = x

Error: x is not defined
Source File: file:///c:/temp/foo.js

Lua">Lua (programming language)">Lua

y = x



ML">Standard ML">ML (Standard ML of New Jersey)

val y = x;

stdIn:1.9 Error: unbound variable or constructor: x


Set Y=X


let y = x;;

Unbound value x


my $y = + 1; # defined-or operator

[PHP] 5

$y = $x;

$y = $x;

PHP Notice: Undefined variable: x in foo.php on line 3

Python">Python (programming language)">Python 2.4

>>> x = y
Traceback :
File "", line 1, in
NameError: name 'y' is not defined


signal on novalue
y = x

+++ Error 30 in line 2: Label not found

Ruby">Ruby (programming language)">Ruby

irb:001:0> y = x
NameError: undefined local variable or method `x' for main:Object
from :1


% set y $x
can't read "x": no such variable


Dim y
y = x

Option Explicit
Dim y
y = x

Microsoft VBScript runtime error: Variable is undefined: 'x'