Ultimate Hustler
Ultimate Hustler was an American reality show broadcast on Black Entertainment Television created by Datari Turner. The show featured Damon Dash training 16 aspiring entrepreneurs, both men and women, who compete for an executive position to work for Damon Dash. Based on its premise, the show has been described as a hip-hop version of The Apprentice.Lifetime
The program was first broadcast on October 4, 2005, with the final episode on December 13, 2005, with Brian Rikuda winning the top prize.Hustlers
- Jennifer Bayer
- Christopher C.
- Matthew McGreevy
- Laurence Chandler
- Tichanda Daniels
- Shola Adisa-Farrar
- Ray Freeman
- Kwame Gates
- Jermel H., "Sharp"
- Will L.
- Brian Rikuda
- Dashawn Taylor
- Kira Vince
- Dominic Sauer
- Alphonzo Terrell
- Ashley Williams
- Tarisha Brown, a.k.a. "Seven"