
The Udāna is a Buddhist scripture, part of the Pali Canon of Theravada Buddhism. It is included there in the Sutta Pitaka's Khuddaka Nikaya. The title might be translated "inspired utterances". The book comprises 80 such utterances, most in verse, each preceded by a narrative giving the context in which the Buddha utters it.
The famous story of the Blind men and an elephant appears in Udana, under Tittha Sutta.

Structure of the Udana

The Udana is composed of eight chapters of ten discourses each. The chapter titles are:
  1. Bodhivagga
  2. Mucalindavagga
  3. Nandavagga
  4. Meghiyavagga
  5. '
  6. Jaccandhavagga
  7. Cullavagga
  8. '
Each discourse includes a prose portion followed by a verse. At the end of each prose section, as prelude to the verse, the following formulaic text is included:
Then, on realizing the significance of that, the Blessed One on that occasion exclaimed:
An alternate translation could be: Then, upon realizing the significance of that, the Blessed One on that occasion exclaimed this inspired utterance :

It is from such "exclamations" that the collection derives its name.

Dating of text

Some scholars consider this one of the earliest of all Buddhist scriptures, while others consider it somewhat later.
Hinüber identifies this type of discourse as being part of the pre-canonical which classified discourses according to their form and style, such as geyya, gāthā, udāna and jātaka.

Relationship to other sacred texts

Within Buddhist literature, about a fourth of the Udana's prose sections correspond to text elsewhere in the Pali Canon, particularly in the Vinaya. In addition, in regards to Tibetan Buddhist literature, von Hinüber suggests that the Udana formed the original core of the Sanskrit Udānavarga, to which verses from the Dhammapada were added.
In terms of non-Buddhist texts, some Udana concepts can be found in the Vedantic Upanishads and in Jain texts.
