U Myint

U Myint is a Burmese economist and served as the Chief Presidential Adviser to Thein Sein, the former President of Burma and led his Economic Advisory Unit.


U Myint attended Rangoon University, where he matriculated with Bachelor of Arts degrees in English, politics and economics, before moving onto Cornell University, where he earned a master's degree in Economics. He then earned a Ph.D in economics at the University of California, Berkeley. He comes from a well-connected and prominent family.
U Myint was previously a professor of economics at Rangoon University's Institute of Economics, and also served as the director of Ministry of Foreign Affairs' economics department. He later led the Research Department at the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. Presently, he is the director of the Yangon-based Tun Foundation Bank.
In 2011, his appointment as President Thein Sein's chief economic adviser surprised many Burma watchers, as he has a close relationship with Aung San Suu Kyi.
In May 2011, U Myint proposed the creation of an independent research center, the Myanmar Development Resource Institute, in a paper entitled “Reducing Poverty in Myanmar: The Way Forward,” to combat poverty. The institute was then founded by U Myint and other advisors to President Thein Sein. He currently heads the MDRI's Centre for Economic and Social Development.

Papers for Myanmar reforms

U Myint become notable after he published his paper in 2011
- Reducing Poverty in Myanmar
- Kyat valuation paper
- Anti-corruption paper
- FDI Paper...etc.
In 2012, U Myint write open letter to public about "reform Yangon University" which was one of top university in Asia.