The US Cooperative for International Patient Programs is an organizational membership program of the National Center for Healthcare Leadership, a Chicago-based nonprofit. USCIPP is composed of US academic medical centers, hospitals, and health systems that operate in the international patient care and global healthcare collaborations market.
Founded in 2010 with support from the International Trade Administration's Market Development Cooperator Program, the association now represents nearly 70 US healthcare provider organizations. USCIPP's members work together to achieve the association's mission of increasing the global competitiveness of US hospitals, expanding international access to US medical expertise, conducting research and market analysis on international trade in healthcare services, and facilitating the interorganizational sharing of best practices in caring for international patients as well as in executing collaborative healthcare projects outside of the US. While all of USCIPP's member institutions share a focus on providing care to international patients who travel to the US for treatment, the majority of its members also engage in non-patient international collaborations, such as cross-border education programs, providing management services to organizations in other countries, offering consulting services to hospitals and governments abroad, and/or engaging in international, joint clinical research.
Member Organizations: