UP Diliman Department of Computer Science

The Department of Computer Science is one of nine departments in the University of the Philippines Diliman College of Engineering.

Academic programs

The Department of Computer Science administers the four-year bachelor of science in computer science program and the master of science in computer science program. As of AY 2009-2010, the department had 553 undergraduate and 89 graduate students mentored by 27 faculty members, seven of whom are PhD degree holders.


The bachelor of science in computer science program is designed to equip the student with knowledge of the fundamental concepts and a reasonable mastery of the basic tools and techniques in computer science. The undergraduate program incorporates the core material, which is universally accepted as common to computer science undergraduate programs. Underpinning the software orientation of the program are the subjects on database systems, software engineering, artificial intelligence, computer networks and special problems.


The master of science in computer science program aims to provide the student with both breadth and depth of knowledge in the concepts and techniques related to the design, programming, and application of computing systems.
The doctor of philosophy in computer science program aims to develop computer scientists who are armed with methods, tools and techniques from both theoretical and systems aspects of computing. They should be able to formulate computing problems and develop new and innovative technology as novel solutions to address those problems. The graduates gain expertise to independently contribute to research and development in a specialized area of computer science. The program prepares graduates for professional and research careers in industry, government or academe.

Research groups

Algorithms and Complexity Laboratory

Computer Security Group

Computer Vision and Machine Intelligence Group

Networks and Distributed Systems Group

Scientific Computing Laboratory

Service Science and Software Engineering Laboratory (S3)

System Modeling and Simulation Laboratory (SMSL)

Web Science Group

Department chairs

The UP-Mirant Java Education Center and the UP Java Research and Development Center compose the UP Java Competency Center and are part of the ASEAN Java Competency Programme. The UP Java Competency Center is a partnership of the University of the Philippines, Ayala Foundation, Mirant Foundation and Sun Microsystems.

UP CS Network (UP Alliance of Computer Science Organizations)

The UP CS Network is the first student organization alliance of its kind in the UP Diliman College of Engineering. The network is composed of one socio-academic organization, one academic organization, two volunteer corps, and one service-development organization.

Current Members