UIL Credito Esattorie e Assicurazioni

The UIL Credito Esattorie e Assicurazioni or UILCA is an Italian banks insurances and tax collectors workers' trade union affiliated to the Italian Labour Union.


UILCA was born in January 1998 from the merge of two trade unions affiliated to UIL: Unione Italiana Bancari and UIL Assicurazioni. In April 2000 also the Federazione Italiana Lavoratori Esattoriali joined the union.


It is a member of UNI Global Union.

General secretaries

Last data available referred to year 2011 and indicate 43.957 members geographically distributed as follows:24.862 north Italy, 10.067 center Italy and 9.028 southern Italy.
When a member retires became member of UIL Pensionati.