Type 830 tug

The Type 830 sea-going rescue tug is a type of naval auxiliary ship currently in service with the People's Liberation Army Navy. Type 830 has received NATO reporting name as Tuozhong class. A total of three have entered services with PLAN.
Type 830 is specifically developed as part of Project 518, the Chinese intercontinental ballistic missile program. Jointly designed by Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding and Shanghai Jiao Tong University, the program first begun in 1970. The program manager was Mr. Hu Chuan-zhi, who was the key figure made the entire project successful when he did his best to fight off the negative impact caused by the political turmoil in China at the time, namely, the Cultural Revolution. The general designer of the ship was Mr. Hu Zu-De, with the following people as the general designers of various subsystems: the general designer of the turbine of the propulsion system was Mr. Shen Maio-Qing, the general designer of the electrical system was Mr. Bao Yi-Can, the general designer of the 4500-hp propeller system was Mr. Ding Xing-Liang, the general designer and deputy general designer of the 35-ton towing winch are Mr. Chen Huan-Ming and Mr. Yu Yuan-Qin respectively. Production manager was Mr. Wang Ming-Da, assisted by Mr. Wu Chang-Fa and Mr. Chen Jia-Xiang, who were put in charge of production of propulsion system and casting respectively. The program was a challenge to China in that the ship itself, as well as most of its subsystem such as the propulsion system were the first time to be indigenously designed and built in China. As a result, after the launch of the first unit in April 1976, and many subsequent sea trials in July and August of the same year, many rework had to be completed to resolve the issued exposed in trials, and it was not until more than a year later in December 1977, was the first ship of this class finally handed over to PLAN.
In addition to regular tugging duties, the Type 830 tug is also designed as a multi-function ship, including fire fighting ship, repair ship, and mooring tender. Type 830 is also capable to function as a missile range instrumentation ship to support missile tests, which all ships of this type had successfully performed during the Chinese ballistic missile test in April 1980 conducted in the Pacific Ocean. To fulfill this mission, all three units are equipped with satellite positioning system, acoustic monitoring system and Type 350 system. The type 830 series ships in PLAN service are designated by a combination of two Chinese characters followed by three-digit number. The second Chinese character is Tuo, meaning tug in Chinese, because these ships are tugs. The first Chinese character denotes which fleet the ship is service with, with East for East Sea Fleet, North for North Sea Fleet, and South for South Sea Fleet. However, the pennant numbers may have changed due to the change of Chinese naval ships naming convention.
TypeOriginal pennant #Subsequent pennant #CommissionedStatusFleet
830T830Dong-Tuo 830December 1977ActiveEast Sea Fleet
830T710Bei-Tuo 710January 1980ActiveNorth Sea Fleet
830T154Nan-Tuo 154September 1979ActiveSouth Sea Fleet

Daozha class

The Daozha class is an upgrade of the Type 830 Tuozhong class, and it is also built by Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding. The Daozha class is slightly larger than Type 830 Tuozhong class, and requires slightly larger crew to operate it due to increased complexity resulting from additional equipment added. Daozha class entered service with PLAN in 1993. Specifications:
ClassPennant #CommissionedStatusFleet
Daozha classDong-Tuo 8901993ActiveEast Sea Fleet