Turks in Berlin

Turks in Berlin are people of Turkish ethnicity living in Berlin where they form the largest ethnic minority group, and the largest Turkish community outside Turkey. The largest communities can be found in Kreuzberg, Neukölln, and Wedding, with substantial populations in other areas, almost exclusively those of the former West Berlin.


As of December 2016, there were 97,682 foreign nationals with Turkish citizenship registered as residents in Berlin. Additionally, there were 79,048 German citizens with a Turkish "migration background", or dual German-Turkish citizenship, for a total of at least 177,000 Turks residing in Berlin.
The German state does not keep statistics on race, instead they categorize ethnic groups originating from Turkey as being of Turkish national origin. Therefore, this also includes many Kurds and other ethnic minorities from Turkey. Furthermore, these figures do not include ethnic Turkish minorities from Bulgaria, Cyprus, Georgia, Greece, Iraq, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Romania or any other traditional area of Turkish settlement because they are categorized by their country of origin rather than their ethnic Turkish or Kurdish identity.