Tudela, Cebu

', officially the ', is a of the Philippines| in the province of,. According to the, it has a population of people.
Tudela is east of the town center of Poro. Along with the town of Poro, Tudela is located on Poro Island. The town celebrates the fiesta of parish patron Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception each 8 December.
The town center comprises two barangays: Northern and Southern Poblacion. The nearly symmetrical arrangement of the streets allows pedestrians to navigate easily while viewing old houses standing side-by-side with new ones.
Tudela is bordered to the north by the Province of Leyte in the Camotes Sea, to the west is the town of Poro, to the east is the island of Ponson with town of Pilar and the Province of Leyte, and to the south is the Camotes Sea


is politically subdivided into 11 barangays.




Tudela may be reached by boat through Poro port. A large pump boat typically takes 3½ hours from Danao City pier. A fast craft takes 1½ hour from Pier 1, Cebu City. The slowest option is a ship that takes 5 hours from Pier 1, Cebu City. Motorcycles and jeepneys are available for ground transportation on arrival - all expensive.