List of individual trees in Estonia

This is the list of individual trees located in Estonia. These individual trees located in Estonia are notable because of their natural, historical or mythological context.
NameSpeciesLocation Further infoImage
Tamme-Lauri oakQuercus roburVõru County, Antsla ParishThe thickest and the oldest tree in Estonia
Rasina willowSalix albaPõlva County, Põlva ParishThe thickest willow in Estonia or even in Europe
Gingko in Süda StreetGingko bilobaHarju County, TallinnThe thickest gingko in Estonia
Meremäe pinesPinus sylvestrisVõru County, Setomaa Parish
Pühajärv War oakQuercus roburValga County, Otepää Parish
Tsirgu pinePinus sylvestrisVõru County, Setomaa ParishUnder protection
Tsuura sprucePicea abiesValga County, Otepää ParishOne of the thickest in Estonia
Kernu juniperJuniperus communisHarju County, Saue ParishUnder protection