Tsumagoi, Gunma

Tsumagoi is a village located in Gunma Prefecture, Japan. As of February 2015, the village had an estimated population of 9,691, and a population density of 28.7 persons per km². Its total area is 337.51 km².


Tsumagoi is situated on the northwestern corner of Gunma Prefecture, touching Nagano Prefecture to the north, south, and west. Because of its elevated location and the ash deposits of Mount Asama, Tsumagoi is fit and well known for growing cabbages. It has a cool climate, with an average yearly temperature of 7℃.
Tsumagoi has a humid continental climate, due to the high elevation. Winters are cold, with a January 24-hour average temperature of, while summers are warm and wet, with a July 24-hour average temperature of.


Numerous Jōmon period remains have been found in Tsumagoi, although later Yayoi period artifacts are almost non-existent, as the area is not suitable for rice cultivation. During the Edo period, the area around Tsumagoi was part of the hatamoto-administered territory within Kōzuke Province.
With the creation of the municipalities system after the Meiji Restoration on April 1, 1889, the village of Tsumagoi was created within Agatsuma District of Gunma Prefecture.


The economy of Tsumagoi is primarily agricultural, with cabbages forming the most noted local crop. Seasonal tourism primarily in connection with its onsen hot spring resorts and ski resorts are also major contributors to the local economy.


Senior high schools


The main draw of tourists to Tsumagoi are the onsen resorts, some of which are also associated with ski resorts. There are two major hot spring resort areas within the town.